Facilities and Exhibits at the Methow Valley Interpretive Center

Here you can find out about our facilities and exhibits that highlight this area’s rich cultural and natural history. We are located on the TwispWorks Campus at 210 5th Avenue, Twisp, Washington. Our current hours of operation are Saturdays 10-4, and Sundays noon-4. From November to March we are open only by appointment.

Permanent exhibits

Methow Valley Native Garden. The Methow Valley Native Garden is a self-guided tour on the grounds of the MVIC. Seasons of the People – Methow native culture exhibit. The MVIC has many different displays depicting the culture and traditional knowledge of the local natives who came to the Methow Valley. Commemorative videos present short stories about individual Methow descendents. Native pithouse. Experience the native pithouse built by Paschal Sherman Indian School students. The Ribbon of Life – Methow Valley watershed. The ribbon of life traces the ecosystem of the river from its headwaters to the Big River, the Columbia. Geology and Geomorphology. Geologic processes that shaped the Methow are described including continental drift, glaciation, weather, topography, and rocks and minerals.

Current and Updated Exhibits

Methow Seasonal Food Cycle. Enjoy interpretation of how the Methow People use the seasonal movement of stars, planets and more to understand their place in the world and the right timing for seasonal gathering and harvesting.

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