Weaving traditional sally bags – plateau style! A one or two day workshop this Saturday and Sunday!!
The Methow Valley Interpretive Center is proud to host this in person event. November 20 and 21: 10am – 4pm.
Instructors Julie Edwards, Bernadine Phillips and Brandon Finley are members of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation and are descendants of the p’squosa (Wenatchi), Methow, snʕáyckstx (Lakes) and other tribal bands, whose passion is traditional teachings.
Cost: $60 per class or $110 for both classes.
Email David LaFever, Director of Methow Valley Interpretive Center to secure your spot: mvinterpretivecenter@gmail.com, text or call 509-919-0686.
Day 1 – Beginners Class
Saturday November 20, 2021 10am-4pm
Students will learn how to twine the round sally bag.
Day 2 – Advanced Class
Students must have completed Beginners class.
Sunday November 21, 2021: 10am – 4pm
This course will include the design with full turn twist and possible working with three colors.
With a lunch break – bring your own sack lunch.
Julie Edwards
Bernadine Phillips
Brandon Finley
All are members of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation and are descendants of the p’squosa (Wenatchi), Methow, snʕáyckstx (Lakes) and other tribal bands whose passion is traditional teachings.
Cost: $60 per class or $110 for both classes
Kit: acrylic yard & hemp cord
Limit: 12 students
Authentic traditional teachings are valuable. Flexible cylindrical baskets, also known as “sally bags”, are a hallmark of American Indian Plateau Tribal weaving. This 6 (12)-hour workshop, will be led by Julie Edwards (Colville), who mentored under master weavers, Craig Phillips, Bernadine Phillips and Joe Fedderson. In this workshop students will learn how to make two small Plateau twined sally bags, using acrylic yarn and hemp.
Instructions will include how to begin and end the basket and add yarn.
*Class supplies included.
Class is limited.
Email David LaFever, Director of Methow Valley Interpretive Center to secure your spot: mvinterpretivecenter@gmail.com, text or call 509-919-0686.

Saturday, Sept.18, 6:30 pm at the TwispWorks Pavilion, Hwy 20 and Glover Street, Twisp, WA
There will be a gathering to celebrate the history of the Heart of the Methow PowWow and special outdoor showing of the documentary “Two Rivers” an award winning film that tells the story of how people in the Methow Valley began to foster connections with Methow Tribal descendants and what has followed since that time.

“High Times in the Methow: Floods, Flows and Flotsam”
Sunday May 30th at 5:00pm – May “Last Sunday” outdoors in the native gardens. Please join us!
The Methow Valley Interpretive Center and the Shafer Historical Museum present: High Times in the Methow: Floods, Flows and Flotsam
Join the Methow Valley Interpretive Center and Shafer Historical Museum as stories and photos are shared about high-water events that occurred here since the late-1800s, including the epic 1948 flood. Suzanne Perin from the Shafer Museum and David LaFever from the Interpretive Center will lead a journey through stories, historic photos and first-hand accounts, including some still living here to this day.