Methow Valley Interpretive Center is located at 210 5th Avenue in Twisp, Washington.
Our mailing address is Methow Valley Interpretive Center, PO Box 771, Twisp WA 98856.
Email: Phone: 509-997-0620 (message)

Methow Valley Interpretive Center


Two parking spaces and an ADA ramp are on north our north and entrance on 5th Ave. and Glover St.

Hours of Operation: 

Current  hours: Fridays 1pm-4pm, Saturdays 10pm-4pm and Sundays 12pm-4pm except by appointment. Contact us at to schedule a visit or field trip outside of these hours.

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Contact Us/Accessibility — 2 Comments

  1. .. I like what I see on the website, the work you share here.
    … I have, in Twisp storage, some cardboard boxes full of Okanogan, Nselxcín, dictionaries and other language and culture associated books and materials. They are left from a few years of classes I taught (at the suggestion of and with support of the Colville Confederated Tribes Language and Culture Preservation Center in Omak) at the Tonasket High School Alternative School some 15 years back or so.
    .. Is there someone in the Methow that might make this material available to interested students, put it to good use?

  2. Way up here almost to Lost River, this retired national park and forest ranger, is simply delighted that MVIC exists, to help fill the gap left by our underfunded national park and forests. Gathering talent residing here is extremely helpful! -Eric Burr, Mazama

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