Fire Ecology & Management in NC Washington
What is going to happen in the Methow Valley after the fires of 2014 and 2015?
Come to the Interpretive Center May 28 to hear Susan Prichard, UW Research Scientist, discuss her research on fire ecology and management in our area. The event is from 5:00 to 6:30 PM at the Methow Valley Interpretive Center at TwispWorks.
Susan Prichard is a research scientist at the UW School of Environmental and Forest Sciences and studies fire ecology and forest management issues. Her main interests are in the effects of fire and other disturbances on forests, climate change and wildfires, and restoration of fire-adapted ecosystems.
Her current research projects include post-fire burn severity assessments following large fires in north-central Washington, evaluation of past fire mosaics on wildfire management, and mapping fuels and vegetation for prescribed burn planning and smoke management.
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